module Music.Time.Reactive (
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens hiding (Indexable, Level, above, below,
index, inside, parts, reversed,
transform, (<|), (|>))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Plus
import Data.Distributive
import Data.Functor.Rep
import Data.Functor.Rep.Lens
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Semigroup hiding ()
import Data.Typeable
import Music.Dynamics.Literal
import Music.Pitch.Alterable
import Music.Pitch.Augmentable
import Music.Pitch.Literal
import Music.Pitch.Literal
import Music.Time.Behavior
import Music.Time.Event
import Music.Time.Juxtapose
newtype Reactive a = Reactive { getReactive :: ([Time], Behavior a) }
deriving (Functor, Semigroup, Monoid, Typeable)
instance Transformable (Reactive a) where
transform s (Reactive (t,r)) = Reactive (transform s t, transform s r)
instance Reversible (Reactive a) where
rev = stretch (1)
instance Wrapped (Reactive a) where
type Unwrapped (Reactive a) = ([Time], Behavior a)
_Wrapped' = iso getReactive Reactive
instance Rewrapped (Reactive a) (Reactive b)
instance Applicative Reactive where
pure = pureDefault
pureDefault = view _Unwrapped . pure . pure
(<*>) = apDefault
(view _Wrapped -> (tf, rf)) `apDefault` (view _Wrapped -> (tx, rx)) = view _Unwrapped (tf <> tx, rf <*> rx)
instance IsPitch a => IsPitch (Reactive a) where
fromPitch = pure . fromPitch
instance IsInterval a => IsInterval (Reactive a) where
fromInterval = pure . fromInterval
instance IsDynamics a => IsDynamics (Reactive a) where
fromDynamics = pure . fromDynamics
instance Alterable a => Alterable (Reactive a) where
sharpen = fmap sharpen
flatten = fmap flatten
instance Augmentable a => Augmentable (Reactive a) where
augment = fmap augment
diminish = fmap diminish
initial :: Reactive a -> a
initial r = r `atTime` minB (occs r)
minB [] = 0
minB (x:_) = x 1
updates :: Reactive a -> [(Time, a)]
updates r = (\t -> (t, r `atTime` t)) <$> (List.sort . List.nub) (occs r)
renderR :: Reactive a -> (a, [(Time, a)])
renderR x = (initial x, updates x)
occs :: Reactive a -> [Time]
occs = fst . (^. _Wrapped')
splitReactive :: Reactive a -> Either a ((a, Time), [Event a], (Time, a))
splitReactive r = case updates r of
[] -> Left (initial r)
(t,x):[] -> Right ((initial r, t), [], (t, x))
(t,x):xs -> Right ((initial r, t), fmap mkEvent $ mrights (res $ (t,x):xs), head $ mlefts (res $ (t,x):xs))
mkEvent (t,u,x) = (t <-> u, x)^.event
res :: [(Time, a)] -> [Either (Time, a) (Time, Time, a)]
res rs = let (ts,xs) = unzip rs in
flip fmap (withNext ts `zip` xs) $
\ ((t, mu), x) -> case mu of
Nothing -> Left (t, x)
Just u -> Right (t, u, x)
withNext :: [a] -> [(a, Maybe a)]
withNext = go
go [] = []
go [x] = [(x, Nothing)]
go (x:y:rs) = (x, Just y) : withNext (y : rs)
atTime :: Reactive a -> Time -> a
atTime = (!) . snd . (^. _Wrapped')
final :: Reactive a -> a
final (renderR -> (i,[])) = i
final (renderR -> (i,xs)) = snd $ last xs
switchR :: Time -> Reactive a -> Reactive a -> Reactive a
switchR t (Reactive (tx, bx)) (Reactive (ty, by)) = Reactive $ (,)
(filter (< t) tx <> [t] <> filter (> t) ty) (switch t bx by)
trimR :: Monoid a => Span -> Reactive a -> Reactive a
trimR (view onsetAndOffset -> (t, u)) x = switchR t mempty (switchR u x mempty)
intermediate :: Transformable a => Reactive a -> [Event a]
intermediate (updates -> []) = []
intermediate (updates -> xs) = fmap (\((t1, x), (t2, _)) -> (t1 <-> t2, x)^.event) $ withNext $ xs
withNext xs = zip xs (tail xs)
discrete :: Reactive a -> Behavior a
discrete = continous . fmap pure
type Segment a = Behavior a
continous :: Reactive (Segment a) -> Behavior a
continousWith :: Segment (a -> b) -> Reactive a -> Behavior b
continousWith f x = continous $ liftA2 (<*>) (pure f) (fmap pure x)
sample :: [Time] -> Behavior a -> Reactive a
(continous, sample) = error "Not implemented: (continous, sample)"
window :: [Time] -> Behavior a -> Reactive (Segment a)
windowed :: Iso (Behavior a) (Behavior b) (Reactive (Segment a)) (Reactive (Segment b))
(window, windowed) = error "Not implemented: (window, windowed)"