{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}

-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) Hans Hoglund 2012-2014
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : hans@hanshoglund.se
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (TF,GNTD)
-- Provides MIDI import.
-- /Warning/ Experimental module.
module Music.Score.Import.Midi (
  ) where

import           Music.Pitch.Literal       (IsPitch)

import           Codec.Midi                (Midi)
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Plus
-- import           Control.Reactive          hiding (Event)
-- import qualified Control.Reactive          as R
-- import           Control.Reactive.Midi

import           Music.Dynamics.Literal
import           Music.Pitch.Literal
import           Music.Score.Articulation
import           Music.Score.Dynamics
import           Music.Score.Internal.Export
import           Music.Score.Harmonics
import           Music.Score.Part
import           Music.Score.Pitch
import           Music.Score.Slide
import           Music.Score.Text
import           Music.Score.Ties
import           Music.Score.Tremolo
import           Music.Time

import qualified Data.Maybe
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

import qualified Codec.Midi                as Midi
import qualified Data.List                 as List
import qualified Data.Map                  as Map
import qualified Text.Pretty               as Pretty
import Data.Monoid

import qualified Music.Pitch.Literal       as Pitch
-- import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as ByteString

-- |
-- This constraint includes all note types that can be constructed from a Midi representation.
type IsMidi a = (
    -- TODO
    IsPitch a,
    HasPart' a,
    Ord (Part a),
    Enum (Part a),
    -- HasPitch a,
    Num (Pitch a),
    HasTremolo a,
    HasArticulation a a,
    Tiable a

-- -- type SimpleMidi = [[(Time, Bool, Int, Int)]]  -- outer: track, inner: channel, time, on/off, pitch, vel
-- -- -- Ignore offset velocities (can't represent them)
-- -- type SimpleMidi2 = [[(Span, Int, Int)]] -- outer: track, inner: channel, time, pitch, vel
-- -- 
-- -- foo :: SimpleMidi2
-- -- foo = undefined
-- mapWithIndex :: (Int -> a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
-- mapWithIndex f = zipWith f [0..]
-- mapWithIndex2 :: (Int -> Int -> a -> b) -> [[a]] -> [b]
-- mapWithIndex2 f xss = concat $ zipWith (\m -> zipWith (f m) [0..]) [0..] xss
-- -- Last time the given key was pressed but not released (non-existant means it is not pressed)
-- type ChanMap = Map Int Time
-- -- |
-- -- Convert a score from a Midi representation.
-- --
fromMidi :: IsMidi a => Midi -> Score a
fromMidi m = undefined
--   where
-- toAspects :: [[Event (Midi.Channel,Midi.Key,Midi.Velocity)]] -> [Event (Part,Int,Int)]
-- toAspects = mapWithIndex (\trackN events -> over (mapped.event) (\(s,(ch,key,vel)) -> undefined))
-- getMidi :: Midi.Midi -> [[Event (Midi.Channel,Midi.Key,Midi.Velocity)]]
-- getMidi (Midi.Midi fileType timeDiv tracks) = id
--       $ compress (ticksp timeDiv)
--       $ fmap mcatMaybes
--       $ fmap snd
--       $ fmap (List.mapAccumL g mempty)
--       $ fmap mcatMaybes $ over (mapped.mapped) getMsg tracks
--   where
--     g keyStatus (t,onOff,c,p,v) = 
--       ( updateKeys onOff p (fromIntegral t) keyStatus
--       , (if onOff then Nothing else Just (
--         (Data.Maybe.fromMaybe 0 (Map.lookup (fromIntegral t) keyStatus)<->fromIntegral t,(c,p,60))^.event))
--       )
--     -- TODO also store dynamics in pitch map (to use onset value rather than offset value)
--     -- For now just assume 60
--     updateKeys True  p t = Map.insert p t
--     updateKeys False p _ = Map.delete p
--     -- Amount to compress time (after initially treating each tick as duration 1) 
--     ticksp (Midi.TicksPerBeat n)     = 1 / fromIntegral n
--     ticksp (Midi.TicksPerSecond _ _) = error "fromMidi: Can not parse TickePerSecond-based files"
-- getMsg (t, Midi.NoteOff c p v) = Just (t,False,c,p,v)
-- getMsg (t, Midi.NoteOn c p 0)  = Just (t,False,c,p,0)
-- getMsg (t, Midi.NoteOn c p v)  = Just (t,True,c,p,v)
-- -- TODO key pressure
-- -- control change
-- -- program change
-- -- channel pressure
-- -- pitch wheel
-- -- etc.
-- getMsg _ = Nothing

    -- Map each track to a part (scanning for ProgramChange, name etc)
    -- Subdivide parts based on channels
    -- Set channel 10 tracks to "percussion"

    -- Remove all non-used messages (KeyPressure, ChannelPressure, ProgramChange)
    -- Create reactives from variable values
    -- Create notes
    -- Superimpose variable values

    -- Compose
    -- Add meta-information


-- |
-- Read a Midi score from a file. Fails if the file could not be read or if a parsing
-- error occurs.
readMidi :: IsMidi a => FilePath -> IO (Score a)
readMidi path = fmap (either (\x -> error $ "Could not read MIDI file" ++ x) id) $ readMidiEither path

-- |
-- Read a Midi score from a file. Fails if the file could not be read, and returns
-- @Nothing@ if a parsing error occurs.
readMidiMaybe :: IsMidi a => FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Score a))
readMidiMaybe path = fmap (either (const Nothing) Just) $ readMidiEither path

-- |
-- Read a Midi score from a file. Fails if the file could not be read, and returns
-- @Left m@ if a parsing error occurs.
readMidiEither :: IsMidi a => FilePath -> IO (Either String (Score a))
readMidiEither path = fmap (fmap fromMidi) $ Midi.importFile path