module Music.Score.Export.DynamicNotation (
) where
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Functor.Context
import Data.AffineSpace
import Control.Lens
import Music.Score.Dynamics
import Music.Score.Ties
import Music.Score.Phrases
import Music.Time
data CrescDim = NoCrescDim | BeginCresc | EndCresc | BeginDim | EndDim
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Monoid CrescDim where
mempty = NoCrescDim
mappend NoCrescDim a = a
mappend a NoCrescDim = a
mappend a _ = a
newtype DynamicNotation
= DynamicNotation { getDynamicNotation :: ([CrescDim], Maybe Double) }
instance Wrapped DynamicNotation where
type Unwrapped DynamicNotation = ([CrescDim], Maybe Double)
_Wrapped' = iso getDynamicNotation DynamicNotation
instance Rewrapped DynamicNotation DynamicNotation
type instance Dynamic DynamicNotation = DynamicNotation
instance Transformable DynamicNotation where
transform _ = id
instance Tiable DynamicNotation where
toTied (DynamicNotation (beginEnd, marks))
= (DynamicNotation (beginEnd, marks),
DynamicNotation (mempty, Nothing))
instance Monoid DynamicNotation where
mempty = DynamicNotation ([], Nothing)
DynamicNotation ([], Nothing) `mappend` y = y
x `mappend` DynamicNotation ([], Nothing) = x
x `mappend` y = x
notateDynamic :: (Ord a, Real a) => Ctxt a -> DynamicNotation
notateDynamic x = DynamicNotation $ over _2 (\t -> if t then Just (realToFrac $ extractCtxt x) else Nothing) $ case getCtxt x of
(Nothing, y, Nothing) -> ([], True)
(Nothing, y, Just z ) -> case (y `compare` z) of
LT -> ([BeginCresc], True)
EQ -> ([], True)
GT -> ([BeginDim], True)
(Just x, y, Just z ) -> case (x `compare` y, y `compare` z) of
(LT,LT) -> ([NoCrescDim], False)
(LT,EQ) -> ([EndCresc], True)
(EQ,LT) -> ([BeginCresc], False)
(GT,GT) -> ([NoCrescDim], False)
(GT,EQ) -> ([EndDim], True)
(EQ,GT) -> ([BeginDim], False)
(EQ,EQ) -> ([], False)
(LT,GT) -> ([EndCresc, BeginDim], True)
(GT,LT) -> ([EndDim, BeginCresc], True)
(Just x, y, Nothing) -> case (x `compare` y) of
LT -> ([EndCresc], True)
EQ -> ([], False)
GT -> ([EndDim], True)
removeCloseDynMarks :: (HasPhrases' s a, HasDynamics' a, Dynamic a ~ DynamicNotation, a ~ SetDynamic (Dynamic a) a) => s -> s
removeCloseDynMarks = mapPhrasesWithPrevAndCurrentOnset f
f Nothing t = id
f (Just t1) t2 = if (t2 .-. t1) > 1.5 then id else over (_head.mapped) removeDynMark
removeDynMark :: (HasDynamics' a, Dynamic a ~ DynamicNotation, a ~ SetDynamic (Dynamic a) a) => a -> a
removeDynMark x = set (dynamics' . _Wrapped' . _2) Nothing x